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What is the National Solid Waste Policy?.

The National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) is the law No. 12,305, which was approved in 2010 and regulated by Decree 7.404 / 10. The PNRS tries to organize in a more transparently how industries, the government and the ultimate consumers should treat the waste and tailings generated.

Environmentally speaking, the National Solid Waste Policy should act as a watershed, as it is focused in all kinds of waste, whether industrial or urban, the reuse of it, its correct disposal and the reverse logistics. If properly applied, we can expect a significant decrease in unlicensed landfills, and the consequent reduction in soil and water contamination, and even a reduction in the emission of carbon dioxide, which is very harmful to the environment, since it increases the greenhouse effect.

One of the most important issues addressed on the National Solid Waste Policy is reverse logistics, since they oblige importers, industries, distributors and sellers to create mechanisms so that these wastes can be collected after use by final consumers, and have the most appropriate destination. Failure to comply with this law leads to a federal crime, where punishments can reach 5 years imprisonment, in addition to fines.

EmbTec has a wide line of big bags that will help you to comply with the National Solid Waste Policy, including exclusive products that will allow the reuse and reverse logistics of big bags used to store and transport dangerous products.

Do you want to know more about how EmbTec can help you fit in the new National Solid Waste Policy? Contact our technical team!

You can access the full the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) on the link bellow:


Tags: Solid waste, waste, tailings, reverse logistic, environment

Conheça nossos Big Bags

  • FIBC (Big Bag) with filling- and discharge spout
  • FIBC (Big Bag) with skirt and flat botton
  • FIBC (Big Bag) with skirt and discharge spout

Baixe nossos Materiais Gratuitos

  • E-book, Big Bag para transporte de produtos perigosos - Manual do comprador
  • Reduza custo com tambores
  • Calcule o Tamanho do Big Bag
  • E-book Tudo Sobre Big Bags
  • Ebook Atualização da NBR 14725/2023
  • Ebook Atualização da NBR 16725/2023
  • Ebook Grátis NBR 7500
  • E-book Manual de Segurança e utilização do Big Bag